
As a Texan, Congresswoman Van Duyne understands that an energy-dominant America is essential for lowering costs, fighting inflation, driving a resurgence in manufacturing, and stabilizing global markets. She is working to expand our ability to produce energy at home through a strong all-of-the-above approach.


Energy Awards

Rep. Van Duyne has been recognized by the International Association of Drilling Contractors for her work to expand domestic energy production.

Named an American Energy Champion by the American Energy Alliance, Congresswoman Van Duyne is working to empower our nation’s energy producers, lower energy and gasoline prices for American families and businesses, and preserve consumer choice. 

Exporting American Energy

Rep. Van Duyne supported the Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act, which passed the House of Representatives, to allow the U.S. to continue to export LNG and encourage domestic production, strengthening our national security in the process.

Increasing American Energy Production and Lowering Costs

In the 118th Congress, Rep. Van Duyne supported H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to increase domestic energy production, institute comprehensive permit reforms, streamline energy imports and exports, and boost critical mineral mining. Included in H.R. 1 was her bill, the Strategy to Secure Offshore Energy Act, which ensures steady offshore oil and gas production.

Rep. Van Duyne helped pass the Protecting American Energy Production Act, to prevent any president from unilaterally banning fracking, as well as the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act to repeal President Biden’s onshore oil and gas leasing rule that increases and creates new fees for oil and gas production on federal lands, shutting down small businesses and driving up energy costs for American consumers.

Combatting Foreign Nations

Rep. Van Duyne cosponsored and helped pass the Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act to combat the threat of the Chinese Communist Party by prohibiting the sale and export of American crude oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to China.

Rep. Van Duyne helped pass the Cutting Green Corruption & Taxes Act to repeal the Biden administration’s $27 billion green slush fund and proposed natural gas tax which sends American taxpayer dollars to China, increases energy costs, and undermines the U.S. manufacturing renaissance leaving us vulnerable to hostile foreign governments.