Press Releases


Rep. Van Duyne spoke today during the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee markup in favor of Rep. Scott Perry's amendment to prohibit increasing net spending unless the Congressional Budget Office certifies inflation will be below 3%. The Congresswoman cited increased inflation across all sectors as a result of trillions of dollars in spending. Click here or on the image below to watch the full speech.

Rep. Van Duyne also spoke in support of the amendment to prohibit FEMA personnel and resources from being diverted away from disaster response efforts to address issues at the southwest border until the Department of Homeland Security has a clear plan to address the rampant spread of COVID-19 at the border. Rep. Van Duyne noted that Customs and Border Patrol has had 10,000 employees test positive for COVID-19, with 70% of them in states along the border. While the administration deems COVID-19 a serious threat elsewhere in the country, it has woefully neglected the national security and health crisis created at the border. Click here or on the image below to watch the full speech.

Lastly, Rep. Van Duyne discussed the dangers presented by Critical Race Theory being taught in our country. She spoke in favor of Rep. Randy Weber's amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to provide U.S. Coast Guard Academy training or education based on Critical Race Theory. It is imperative we do not teach the future leaders of America's maritime safety a rewritten history depicting our country's founding as fundamentally evil. Click here or on the image below to watch the full speech.


Full Remarks as Prepared

Over the course of the pandemic, allocating funding for transportation and infrastructure needs has grown increasingly more difficult. While we are facing many issues and challenges right now, especially as we follow the $3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending plan currently on the table, one of our gravest concerns is undoubtedly the continuous increase in inflation. Inflation is at a 30 year high, as it is up more than seven percent since January. Clothing Prices are up nearly five percent, food prices up two and half percent, and gas prices are up forty-five percent – yet we are debating a bill with the most significant spending in history which undoubtedly will make this crisis worse.

I rise in favor of the proposed amendment to prohibit increasing net spending unless CBO certifies that inflation is below 3%. This new tax and spending bill will add $17 trillion more to national debt, further dragging our inflation crisis in the wrong direction.

We cannot continue to put forth federal policies that actively make it harder for Americans to survive and succeed.

Over the past 18 months, we’ve added more than $5 trillion in new spending, and the new tax and spending plan will confirm an even higher and unprecedented amount. Yet, the majority seems unable to resist leading our country down a irresponsible and dangerous path.

For that reason, I urge my colleagues to support this amendment to protect our economy from an overzealous federal government that continues to put forth unreasonable spending plans which further hinder our already vulnerable economy. Feeding inflation and continuing reckless spending is never the answer, but especially not at the expense of job creators and working families. I yield back the balance of my time. 


As we reflect on FEMA’s mission to help people before, during, and after disasters, it is critical to address and form a strategy around the impact of COVID-19 on the public health and safety of State and local communities, federal personnel, and migrants. At our southwest border, we are currently letting countless people in without masks or COVID tests, while allowing the American people to bear the burden and pay the price for it. There have been over 1 MILLION illegal crossings at the southwest border since President Biden took office.

I rise in favor of the proposed amendment to prohibit FEMA personnel and resources from being diverted away from disaster response efforts to address issues at the southwest border. This will require any DHS activities related to immigration involving FEMA personnel or resources to require COVID testing and a plan for quarantining migrants with COVID. In addition, GAO will be required to review the impact of FEMA resources for border activities on disaster readiness.

Recently, FEMA senior officials expressed serious concerns about their ability to continue to respond effectively, as they are stretched thin responding to true disasters such as covid, wildfires, and most recently Hurricane Ida. If the Administration were to declare an emergency at the border and admit that the ongoing crisis is nothing short of a disaster, then it may warrant the use of FEMA officials and resources, as well.

?Customs and Border Protection has seen over 10,000 federal employees test positive for COVID-19, with 70% of them being in states along the southwest border. Our crisis at the border has proven time and time again to be a critical issue in need of immediate attention and government action. For that reason, I urge my colleagues to support this amendment to protect our border security and continue to prioritize America’s health and safety. These resources are critical and necessary to assist our continuous efforts to secure our border and stop the spread of COVID-19. I yield back the balance of my time. 


In recent months, the dangerous, radical, and highly divisive ideology surrounding Critical Race Theory have grown increasingly popular. These theories promote distrust of the United States, its government, and its Constitution- meaning they have no place in our country, especially not in classrooms filled with those who have dedicated their lives to serving our country. 

I rise in favor of the proposed amendment to prohibit federal funds from being used to provide U.S. Coast Guard Academy training or education based on Critical Race Theory, while protecting free speech, educational research and independent study, and contextual education.

Critical Race Theory is installing a dangerous precedent in our next generation. as they learn a rewritten history of our great nation. We cannot continue to allow the narrative regarding American history to insinuate we are built upon a fundamentally evil or racist framework, which our constitutional republic is based upon. 

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy educates the future leaders of America's maritime safety and security Service and graduates about 200 commissioned Coast Guard officers each year. Furthermore, they are the only armed service with law enforcement authority. This redefined narrative needs stop for the sake of the future of our country and those who will be leading it. 

For that reason, I urge my colleagues to support this amendment to protect our nation and military from further acknowledging and teaching these unsound and crippling ideologies that promote any race being inherently superior or inferior to any other race, the United States being a fundamentally racist country, or an individual’s moral character or worth being determined by his or her race. It’s time to change the narrative and reinstall faith and pride in our great nation. I yield back the balance of my time. 


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